Friday, 21 August 2015

A few days of summer

The mini chicks are not so mini any more
We've actually had a few days of summer weather - warm enough to go swimming in the Irish Sea (that's my annual swim over and done with) and to have a barbecue outside (not in the conservatory, with the barbecue in the wood shed, like last time). Everything has been growing nicely, none more so than our chicks. They are now almost ready to join the flock. Already they've been pecked by one of their mothers, who obviously has no maternal feelings whatsoever.

Inside, we've got a good tomato crop and the lemon cucumbers are doing well. And, finally, the Emir melons are starting to swell.

El gordo

Outside, the fennels have been a big success and there are some squashes that show promise. The courgettes have only just started to produce (very, very late), the carrots are still not really getting going, but we've just had our first bean today.

The fennel has done well despite the cool weather

The beans have reached the top
Lots of mangetout
Pretty purple-sprouting broccoli
Nice-looking squash, but which variety is it?
The exciting thing this week is that some of the sweetcorns have developed tassels. This means that we're still in with a chance of corn this year.

First tassle
Even if it's a slow year for vegetables, it's been a fantastic year for flowers. All of the colours are really intense - be it lavender, roses or wildflowers. I'll leave you with a picture of our wildflower strip.

From nothing to this in four months

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Feeling jammy

A typical day's harvest 
The harvest season has well and truly begun. Everything is a month behind but cropping very well. Hopefully we'll have a warm autumn so that the later crops will ripen as well.

First jam and chutney of the year
We (or rather our guests) have been gathering 1kg of strawberries a day and a good lot of gooseberries, too. So the jam-making machine has sprung into action. The total so far: 10 jars of gooseberry & elderflower jam, 6 of strawberry conserve (where you soak the whole fruits for a day, then briefly boil and leave for another day before making the jam - this makes for a very intense strawberry flavour) and 4 of strawberry & rhubarb jam. And 15 jars of beetroot & green tomato chutney.
A rare chance to dry
There's been no need to water the plants, with frequent showers every day, but we've had two days without rain this week. The ideal window of opportunity for our onion harvest. They got one day in the sun, before being sorted into immediate use and winter storage piles, and are now filling up every available space in the house. They'll need to dry for a month or so to develop their skins. We have a lot more than last year, but probably not enough to last until the next crop. And there is one whole fish box for immediate consumption. Today we had French onion soup for six, and onion chutney making is already planned for this week.

Drying in the kitchen
And in the bathroom
The wild flower border has burst into colour all of a sudden, with lots and lots of poppies.

Wild flower strip
The Finnish poppy corner
The top corner is basically done. Seven herb beds made from old tyres, with stone surrounds. Even though it's a bit late in the season, I've sown some coriander, thyme, oregano, summer savoury, lemon grass, camomile and caraway. Let's see if anything comes of it; otherwise it will be coming into full use next year. My friend Sally has kindly donated a whole bunch of nice-looking non-edible perennials (whose names I can never remember, other than astilbes) and they've been planted along the wall. Now all that remains is to sow some grass in the remaining area and maybe plant a few spring bulbs.
Jim finishing off the new herb beds
And another piece of good news: The first asparagus seedlings have popped up!