Sunday, 17 May 2015


It's bluebell season
The daffs are fading, the bluebells are out in force and so are most of the tree leaves. Everything's greening up nicely, though temperatures are stubbornly sticking around the 12C mark. So I haven't planted anything out from the greenhouse yet, but I did have a major sowing session outside (golden beetroot, carrots, runner beans, kale, turnips, swedes and kohlrabi). Hopefully, by the time they stick out their heads, the weather will have improved. Friends from Germany who are visiting next week have promised to bring some good weather.

The new hedge is coming to life
Full complement of beech leaves

Old roof slates as anti-cat poo heather protectors
The blossom is amazing, both inside and out:

Broad bean

Everything is tantalisingly close to producing, but there is no new produce just yet, apart from fresh rocket and the three winter stalwarts of kale, chard and spring cabbage. I'm so looking forward to the following:

Little gems

We've already had one bad attack of gooseberry sawfly on one of the jostaberries and one of the gooseberries. This time, I threw everything that Bayer could offer at it - not organic for once, but I hope the attack can still be halted.

The good news this week was that the parsnip seedlings decided to show their little heads. I'd been worried about not having any parsnips this year since the seeds were just over a year old, but emptying out the entire packet has produced results.

I also planted out a few French beans to see how they cope.

Buffeted beans
The grass is growing like crazy and Jim seems to be on a continual round of scything these days.

Freshly mown and mulched middle paddock
The potatoes have come back to life
Some things that we planted last year are really coming into their own in year two. Here's the hops appearing:
Hops - male or female?
The conservatory has acquired a new rug so it looks more of a sitting room than a potting shed and I guess I'll have to be a bit tidier when messing around with the plants.

Conservatory rug 
The squashes are growing apace, but when will it be warm enough for them to go out?
Sweetcorn seedlings - they'll also need a warm summer
The visitor holiday season is just about to begin here. Hope there will be enough produce for all the guests soon!

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Plant shuffle

Everything is late this year, about two weeks later than last year. Our trees still don't all have leaves, though they are getting there.

One of the beech trees is going for it.
Temperatures have not risen much but enough at night for the big plant reshuffle. The tomatoes have mostly gone into the greenhouse.

The tomatoes: Tigerella, Ailsa Craig, Black Sea Man and Moneymaker
And the squashes and cucumbers have migrated into their places in the conservatory. The conservatory is a very pleasant place to hang out now, for flora and fauna alike.

Poppy surrounded by squashes
A lot more potting up to do
Outside has not been so good this week. A mole has done his dirty work just two metres from the gate to the veg garden. Jim promptly ordered a new type of trap from France, but this requires setting in a fresh mole hill and the mole (thankfully) has not advanced any further. At the end of April we had one night of frost, which really damaged all the potato plants bar one. First they turned black, then they turned brown, but after a good mulching the first new green leaves are appearing again - phew.

Jim came across this interesting-looking seedling in one of the vegetable beds and we decided to pot it up:
Mystery seedling
It turned out to be a beech seedling! I've now found 17 of them and have potted them all up for use in our hedge.
It's a beech!
Things are coming along in the greenhouse, especially the tomatillos.

Green tomatillos
 I've also got a bunch of herbs growing there:

Summer savoury
Hopefully it will get warm enough to plant them out soon. We just bought a barbecue last week and since then the weather's gone all to hell. Though we did have one great sunset:

Sunset over Northern Ireland