Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Daffs out, seeds in

The first daffodils are in bloom so I decided that it was time to sow the first seeds: tomatoes, chillies (lightly sanded the seeds as per North by North instructions), sweet peppers, aubergines and leeks. Unfortunately the first aphids of the year have also arrived so I also sowed some marigolds.

First daffodils of the year
First daffodils of the year

First sowing on the window sill in the smallest and warmest room
First sowing on the window sill in the smallest and warmest room

Visiting friends had given me a fancy new propagator last weekend so it was a good opportunity to try it out. Another sign of spring is that the lemon verbena which had looked absolutely deid has sprung back to life.

Lemon verbena coming to life
Lemon verbena coming to life

Meanwhile in the greenhouse, the overwintering salads are finally starting to grow.

Overwintering salads: tatsoi and wild rocket
Overwintering salads: tatsoi and wild rocket

My father-in-law gave us a great Christmas gift: a bumper pack of fine Scottish meat from an award-winning butcher in Wemyss Bay. Orkney grass-fed Aberdeen Angus, mmmhhhh. The perfect complement to our own veg.

Beef olive with our homegrown sprouts, red cabbage and leeks
Beef olive with our homegrown sprouts, red cabbage and leeks

The potatoes are chitting on the window sill in our bedroom. The onion sets are in a cool place awaiting planting. Well, usually it's cool. Sometimes there's a hot cat body on top though.

Poppy's trying hard to get the onion sets to sprout
Poppy's trying hard to get the onion sets to sprout

This afternoon we took delivery of six fruit trees and about 100 hedge plants. There was a brief break in the weather for the delivery, then the hail started, then there was a brief break so that we could pop all the plants into moist compost in the compost bins, then torrential rain, followed by a short weather window before sunset where we managed to plant a quince, a cooking apple (Grenadier) and two cherries (Stella and Sunburst).

Two mirabelles to plant tomorrow and the hedge around the veg garden. But it's all so much easier than last year. We don't have to read up and watch all the youtube videos; it's all a bit more routine. A fun routine.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Frosty February

It's been a cold month so far, with lots of beautiful frosty mornings, but that hasn't stopped the veggies.

Wintry veg garden
Wintry veg garden
Frosty patio
Frosty patio

Dredging under way
Dredging under way

We've started to dredge our wildlife pond, which was totally grown over, in anticipation of ample frog spawn. It actually looks like a pond now.

Some of the little trees to be moved
Some of the little trees to be moved
The other big job on the list for this month is moving lots of tiny oaks and ash trees that the son of the previous owners had planted in the bottom paddock. They will be incorporated into the hedge, also to be planted this month. At the latest count, 17 left to move.

Here, some cob nuts have already been moved, creating a new growing area
Here, some cob nuts have already been moved, creating a new growing area
We're starting to 'eat up' some of the veg beds to clear them. We've already had a lot of secondary cabbage growth. This looks and tastes like what they sell as collards in the supermarket. Definitely worth leaving the plants for that. Only one proper red cabbage left and several Drumhead Christmas secondary cabbages.

This is the time of year when the Brussels sprouts are at their best. However, half of my plants haven't hearted up properly. I read that this is because it was too hot when they were setting. So I'll try to sow some of my Brussels later this year (beginning of May versus mid-March) to see whether this makes a difference. I do want to have sprouts for Christmas though, which I did last year with my March sowing. Has anyone had experience with sowing their Brussels late - were they ready in time for Christmas dinner?

Yummy sprouts
Yummy sprouts

My other question is about swedes. I've had no complaints about Swede Marian when it comes to reliability and hardiness, but they just don't taste great. They're OK in soups and stews, but not as a standalone veg with the haggis. Any recommendations? Thinking of trying 'Gowrie'. After all, my main criterion for growing veg is flavour; reliability and disease resistance/suitability for organic growing are also a consideration, but flavour comes first.

We're still getting plenty of veg, but then they have to last until May before the new stuff comes along. The kale just keeps getting better and better. What a tasty, versatile brassica! And Jim's perfected the art of making chips from our maincrop potatoes. Double frying in beef dripping seems to be the secret to fantastic home-made chips.

Some things I got right last year, quantity-wise, like parsnips (only about six left, though hard to tell now that the leaves have died back) and celeriac (seven out of 16 left), but others we need to grow more of: Leeks are strictly rationed at one per week and need to double this year. So do beetroot and broad beans (and garlic and onions, but most of these are already planted). The Aguadulce broad beans are looking lush so it looks as if overwintering veg are an option here.

Not much chard left
Not much chard left

The artichokes have divested themselves of their winter cover
The artichokes have divested themselves of their winter cover

Celeriac Prague Giant
Celeriac Prague Giant

I've cut down the autumn raspberries almost to the ground as it says to do. Looks a bit sad, but fingers crossed for a bumper harvest this year. It's nice to have the soft fruit in place. Hopefully next year we'll have a larder full of different jams.